Those Brownies

Bongu tfal.

!!SURGERY IS OVER!! *seizure time*

Quite happy with the paper, I think I passed XD Went round to room 101 and spent a good couple of hours chilling on the bean bags with the usual crowd. Good times, good times :)

Tonight I start the grande crusade of pharmacology. The exam's on monday, I don't know what exactly the paper format is, what notes I have or don't have, or really what they contain. Fun, fun. I'm quite relaxed about it though, will be fine I'm sure. So I'll be in almost all weekend, will probably go out for the pentecost thing tomorrow night unless I find I've really underestimated this exam.... naaaaaaahhh.... XD

As I was walking up the stairs when I arrived home today the light was a little dull, a sense of twilight if you will (don't go there :P), and everything was quiet. Just the sound of the tv in the background. It had that calming sense of stillness that i always associate with the gray light of dusk or dawn. It was just a moment, but a beautiful one. And now I've got this prolonged mood on me that I think will last all night. I hope so in any case, it's a wonderful feeling. It also crossed my mind about how happy I am in that my studies don't mean the world to me. For some people their course and their work is everything, their world, their life. If they had to fail it's like their world would end. I don't particularly want to fail, but even if I had to, life would move on. I still have the most wonderful friends ever, am part of a community that, despite all its faults and drama, I love, a great family, and most of all a great God. I mean really, God has been so good. No matter what happens, all I have or ever will have is more than I deserve or could ever ask for.



Matti said...

Amen to that!

You should ask Lara for some pharmacology notes :p I'm sure she'd be willing to explain its complexities haha

Heyyy someone's finishing off grievous bodily harm! :)

nessa said...

I hate how u make those ppl sound like theyre doing a horrible thing....that sounded grumpy, I didnt mean it grumpily lol :D

krissie said...

Yummy...I feel like brownies.
Good luck :)
And yes, I will answer your comment in my comment to say: we will indeed do stuff :) Sans jellies I hope.
Here's hoping there'll be many more of those moments to come.

Lanfy said...

mattt. your meant to be keepin me company studying tonite! where art though!? if u want ill ask my sis if she has pharmacolody notes if that helps lol. i agree studies shouldnt be anyone's life!

Simon said...

*fist* re the studies, but i must say im actually enjoying my studies and the feeling of coming out of an exam i feel i did well in is something i think i want to have time to get used to

Lanfy said...

now i realised ur title those brownies haahaha!

Matti said...

Lanf, I want some of your brownies!


Krissie, LIKEWISE! You coming to Malta means no excuses now :p

Rachel said...

Brownies and twilight <3

Yanica =] said...

I just discovered your blog :O something to read tonight while at home =/

Lara said...

aaahhh now i feel like a brownie matt hehe ... hows the pharmacology going?? need anything just let me know ^^
