I know, I know...

I know that I blogged yesterday and blogging everyday is not something that I (or most people) do but I had a couple of things that I wanted to share and I found myself with the time to share them so the sharing has begun. It prompted me to this:

I've also discovered John's blog today. The obsession I'm developing to the following of John Green and the subsequent imitation is something that I have indeed noticed and is probably a cause for concern. This could get several balls rolling. To several degrees. I'm on your screenz, spamming your brainz.



Simon said...

Mike is disgusted.

I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or cry... we are losing you slowly to geek-ness...that being said...I'm being lost too I guess...but not as bad and not so fast...but i don't want to stop blogging and therefore don't want vlogging to take over...but you did go on for a bit too long...the time limit is needed.

Rachel said...

Seeing as it will probably take me over an hour to watch it all...

Yay paper towns! XD

Nessa said...

stick to blogs

Anonymous said...

imbasta...ill never vlog...its so pointless and brain-spamming...u..my friend...hv entered d vlogging world..there is not turning bk now..i repeat..no..turning bk...
btw...i worked backstage for d alchemist...u can ask me anythign if u dont wanna read it =P

krissie said...

Matthew. Matthew Matthew Matthew.
I knew it was inevitable once nerdfighters took over your brain.
I am proud.

Unknown said...

I am embarrassed of you. You disgust me. I am ashamed of you.

Laura Best said...

Matt, this is wonderful - welcome to geekdom, we're a cool crowd, you'll fit right in!

Approval of the new blog background too, btw. Although, some feedback - I reckon speech boxes need to be less transparent to make text easier to read.

Ok, constructive criticism over - it rocked! :)
