Like the Koran

Time for an update methinks no?

saturday spent the day ending the chapter of chapters in surgery, buying shoes and a shirt for the wedding, and then a night by the beach with ze guitars. It was rather fun, though the night passed really quickly from my point. Everyone left by about 12 :S looking for repeat performances though, +/- guitars :)

sunday oh sunday. I can't believe that Joe and Ang are married. I got to know them both pretty well as soon as I entered community, which was 4 years ago now, and now they're married. MARRIED. wow. The mass was great and the reception, everything I would expect XD Had an awesome time indeed :) God bless them with many many little magginis, I really can't wait for that *insert ANOTHER smiley here!!* XD

monday i'm car-less again, and this time I don't know for how long. It's being kept at the service centre until the boffins either figure out what's wrong with it or give up. I managed to avoid catching a bus yesterday (thanks Gruber), something which I don't think I'm going to manage today... ajma, 101 as usual then insomma.

I'm having trouble keeping up with all the blogs, I logged on yesterday and almost the entire bloglist had updated. Spending most of my time outside with limited computer access so forgive me if I'm not up to date with all of you :P

I wanted to write a bit of an introspective piece about my recent attitude... though i'm not entirely in the mood so I doubt this'll come out very well imma insomma. Recently I've felt like I've been talking about myself a lot... blog post comments, comments in general, real life conversations... just been analysing my behaviour lately and seeing the number of times I reference "I" and "me", and I'm rather perturbed. It's natural for people to talk about themselves, especially around those they're closest to. You hardly even notice it then, and it's normally reciprocal. That said, I don't particularly like to talk about myself a lot unless prompted to. It makes me feel self-centered, which I really hope is not the case, cause I don't want to be that type of person... though i've given it some thought and I think what it really relates to is God. Recently I've been preoccupied with all the things happening around me that I've neglected my prayer time, my relationship with the creator. And, ever so slowly, I think I'm starting to put Him back into that little box I had let Him out of four years ago. As there's less of God in my life, everything becomes about me, what I want and think and am. I know where that road leads, and it's barren. A life worth living is never lived for oneself. It's time the box got thrown out.



Simon said...


Marquita said...

Rest assured Matt, you're not self-centred.

Having said that, I'm glad something very important managed to surface from your time of reflection i.e. your relationship with God. Good luck with that.

PS: If you're still car-less by Friday... you can always walk with me back to Uni after exams... (or I'll tell Marija to drop you off at room 101 on her way to chaplaincy)

Lanfy said...

u le mat dw we dont think you're self centered :P there if u need anything dude!

Lanfy said...

and if u need lifts i already told you! 42 is the number

Rachel said...

Hmm... don't really have much of a comment.

Anonymous said...

funny thing about this blog, youre still talking about yourself in saying that ure talking about ureself viscous circle isnt it? :P


Laura Best said...

Awww - little magginis, that's so sweet!!! :)

Please read my blogs to discover what talking about yourself all day actually sounds like. Trust me, you're not doing it! I'm trying to avoid coming back to the big me me me in all my blogs, but it's really tough and so easy to do without thinking. But enough about me...

krissie said...

If "not self-centred" were a proper term, the dictionary entry would have a picture of your face near it. Relax. It's to here what's going on with a person. Doesn't mean you're drowning them with ME-ME-ME.

And as for that box? I've found that it tries to disguise itself. It thinks that if it covers itself with buttons I won't realise what it is. Out with the box. Buttons and all.
