I eats all the flowers

Yeah, long time no blog, i know. Story of my life :P

Well one major thing happened since my last blog, which is that my long time girlfriend and I broke up. Not gonna talk about it, just wanted to put it out there... yeah... What I will mention is how weird it feels to be single again after all this time. The only real effect it's had so far is a binge on avatar (which i have now finished, dammit. When is episode 12 coming out??!) and cravings for a ps3. In short, I am 12 years old again... But seriously, it takes some getting used to. Though it showed me that i have very good friends, love you guys :)

Been very busy lately, what with the healing service and all, went really really well though, praise God, so it was worth it. I've got what basically looks like a free week this week, and i'm using it to catch up on work. Yeah, things aren't being very interesting for me at the moment...

Just one thing i wanted to mention, Anabelle got me "United: All of the Above", i still need to pick it up, but it sounds like a fantastic album (me thinks). Atop this here blog is the link to the album fansite, check it out and launch the ecard. Besides the songs you can see some videos about the album, the tour and the I Heart Revolution. It really captures the feeling of a revival that i've personally been longing for, both within myself and as a group. I'm not sure if you can get what I'm saying, it's a bit fuzzy in my head too, but let's say i'm going deeper into finding my own identity. I'll leave it at that :)

Oh, and of course, there's this...



Simon said...

Yo Matt, my brother, my lover, my wife....cough
I dont know when the next Avatar is coming out, honestly i dnt, im craving as much as u are,
just to inform u all as well (im too lazy to fix my blog) ive been sick since tuesday :S
well....keep up the studying ma friend

Anonymous said...

aw mEEttEEEEwww!
hihi...i send out my greatest thanks to you and everyone who helped me last Saturday wen my car created that whole chaos!...Thanks to all of u for putting 2geder ur brains and balls lol ....twas a funny episode i must say lol...(I STILL DONT HAVE A BUMPER lol...so now ppl dont only look at my car cos of its (amazing ;)) flowers, but also cos of its LARGE AMPUTATION!hehehe)

God bless u ...(ill post it on sarah's too ;))

claire_88 said...

I really have to start watching Avatar because I've lost the ability to maintain conversation with you and Chris!!!

And there is nothing wrong with being 12 (minus the pimples, semi-broken voice and the embarrassing crush on Pam Anderson of course):P


PS: THEN DEATH BY TRAY IT IS!!!! We should try to recreate this scene at Spuntino's ... Imagine the carnage XD

JONES ..... said...

Keep strong my brother, need anything im here for u, ive been in that boat not so long ago ;) Take Care nd GBU ;)

Anonymous said...

wat boat? the gozo ferry? lol

